Mr. Schmidt’s Story

schmidts story

Every year, we accept donations of gently used medical equipment from individuals and companies. In turn, we loan this equipment to local patients in need and also ship medical equipment overseas as part of our Fueling International Outreach service area. A common request for patients nearby is for a power chair. Although people have lost their mobility, they still desire independence. Mr. Schmidt was unable to get a power chair through traditional channels, so his hospice nurse contacted us for assistance. Once we learned about this situation, we were thrilled to lend him a power chair, earlier donated to us by another family. Mr. Schmidt was all smiles when he received the power chair because it allowed him to leave his room and visit with family and friends in the dining hall of his residence. He enjoyed his return to freedom and mobility for the last three months of his life. Despite a terminal diagnosis, patients like Mr. Schmidt still wish to have social interaction and even spend time outdoors enjoying some fresh air. We are so thankful to the family who donated this power chair to us, enabling us to pay it forward.

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