Takela’s Story


Sometimes, people think that dream fulfillment is about the big-ticket experiences. However, what patients and families so often treasure near the end of life is the opportunity to make memories together. Takela’s sister reached out to Project 4031 because she wanted to plan a special surprise for her terminally ill sister, her parents, her sister’s son and daughter-in-law, and her grandchildren. Because of her illness, Takela was wheelchair bound and had experienced a lot of pain, making special adventures with family difficult. What would that special surprise adventure be? A family trip to the Dallas World Aquarium! Project 4031 arranged for non-emergency medical transport to take Takela safely from her home to the Aquarium and back. We also purchased tickets and parking passes so the whole family could experience the Dallas World Aquarium together.

Takela’s sister was there to enjoy the day and to capture the special memories on film. She told Project 4031, “Takela’s day was special. She was surprised. She was happy. She was feeling good. She was pretty. She received a blessing and gave a blessing to her grandbabies. It had been years since she was able to do anything with them. I am eternally thankful for Project 4031.” What a joy for us to be able to help make this special family time a reality!


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Fort Worth, Texas 76104


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